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Stories from the Holy Land - page 5

Let Holocaust Memorial Day Mark Our Liberation

in Life, Culture & Sports

My dad doesn’t talk about it, and his parents never talked about it. It makes our family history blurry, despite the fact that I can feel the third-generation trauma in my blood. It’s as if the memories flow deeply through my veins, and while I can’t recall the stories, I sense the deep sorrow that…

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Comment from Prof. Gabriel Izbicki: To Be Vaccinated or Not To Be

in Health & Science

Comment from Prof. Gabriel Izbicki, Head of the Pneumology Department at Shaare Zedek Hospital in Jerusalem. After the interview I gave for BTL News and other media, where I, among other things, stated that we should be careful with the COVID-19 vaccine, I want to share my current recommendations. As I heard some people who…

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Another Lost Tribe: Bnei Menashe Returns to Israel

in Life, Culture & Sports

Imagine finding a long-lost cousin from across the globe. Now imagine discovering an entire tribe. That’s exactly what happened when Rabbi Michael Freund received a heartfelt letter on his desk in 1993. The letter was from a group called Bnei Menashe, a long-lost sect of the 12 tribes, who live on the edges between Burma…

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Was 2020 Recipe for Disaster or Renewal? 

in Life, Culture & Sports

We wish all of our readers, volunteers, and donors a healthy, happy, and enlightening new year! Happy 2021! It took only a moment for our entire world to flip upside down. It was as if someone entered each of our houses, slammed down their hands on our kitchen table, and flipped over our perfectly planned…

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Hanukkah 2020: Where’s the Miracle?

in Life, Culture & Sports

Our team at Between the Lines wishes our readers a sweet and happy Hanukkah! We’ve made it to the month of miracles! While the world waits for 2020 to end, Hanukkah kicks off as the beloved festival of lights. The holiday shares the story of the Maccabees, a small group of faithful fighters, who stood…

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