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Llamas, Clowns, and a Corona Update

in Health & Science

People lined the streets, standing outside hundreds of reopened street stores on Sunday. Only 4 people are allowed to enter stores at a time, yet the hopeful return to normalcy could be felt as people waited patiently to support their local shop owners and the 80,000 people who have returned to work. However, after a…

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When Theaters Close, Creativity Opens

in Life, Culture & Sports

As Israel begins to open up after the second wave lockdown, humans are itching for connection, creativity, and community. When Nimrod Danishman discovered that his play, which had already been on stage in Israel and the United States, needed to be canceled, he decided to create a new category of theater; one that moved the…

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Goodbye and Toda Dear Tel Aviv

in Life, Culture & Sports

I was only 24 when I met her, and it had been love at first sight. It took only a decade to know that I needed to get as far away as possible. She had swooped me up inside her bubble, catching me in her fervent frequency, inspiring me with her limitless energy, also tumbling…

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Thousands of Protests Take Place During COVID

in Health & Science

With coronavirus numbers reaching record heights in Israel, the country is in lockdown for an undetermined time. Originally stated to end after the holidays on October 11, officials say the closings will continue until COVID numbers decrease to at least 7%. Today they stand at around 11%, dropping slightly from last week. The extension will…

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Israeli Trust Plummets as COVID Cases Rise

in Health & Science

Continuing to break records, Wednesday in Israel saw more confirmed COVID-19 cases in one day than in America, with numbers coming in at 8,919. As numbers continue to rise, over 500 people joined the list of fatalities in the past 3 weeks, bringing the total to 1,571. Serious cases have reached 810, with 206 people…

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