Monthly archive

October 2018 - page 2

Educated Israelis are Emigrating

in Life, Culture & Sports

Opportunity is abundant for educated Israelis. About 5.8% of Israelis who earned academic degrees between 1980 and 2010 have emigrated, mostly to the United States or Europe. In numbers, about 33,000 people, choose to take their knowledge to support their living abroad, most for at least 3 years, a Central Bureau of Statistics report shows.…

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Noble Energy to Sign Gas Deal with Egypt

in Economy & Innovation

A new agreement was reached between Israel and Egypt to deliver natural gas from the Leviathan and Tamar fields direct to Egypt. The beneficial deal represents a milestone reached between the two Middle Eastern neighbors. Noble Energy and some selected partners will acquire approximately 39% equity interest in Eastern Mediterranean Gas Company. The $200 million-dollar…

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Street Safety a Priority After Teenager Dies

in Life, Culture & Sports

A hit and run last week has finally stirred the government to start legislating safety laws monitoring electric bicycles. A 17-year-old teenager, Ari Nesher, died on his birthday when he was hit by a drunk driver on his electric bicycle. With an entire country mourning the untimely death of a young boy, and a consistent…

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Israeli Healthcare Ranks in Global Top Ten

in Health & Science

According to Bloomberg’s annual Healthy System Efficiency Index, Israel’s healthcare system ranks among the highest in the world, and is number one in the Middle East region. Compared to the countries which top the list, Hong Kong and Singapore, Israel ranks in sixth place. In addition to being one of the most cost-efficient, Israel also…

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Tel Aviv is Expensive and Worth Every Shekel

in Life, Culture & Sports

Tel Aviv is ranked the 9th most expensive city in the world, reported by the Economic Intelligence Unit, making her a challenging place to live comfortably, save money and afford many of life’s luxurious pleasures. Despite the financial obstacles which exist on a daily basis, there is an inherent and indescribable value that lives within…

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