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Corona Cabinet and Second Wave Update

in Health & Science

The warning bells have sounded. With a steep increase in confirmed COVID-19 cases in the last two weeks and over 500 in the past 24 hours, the “Corona Cabinet” is in discussions to set down, or retract, some freshly laid guidelines. Police forces have been asked to strictly enforce social distancing in crowds, as well…

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Tel Aviv Beaches Fully Accessible

in Health & Science

Tel Aviv City announced on June 11 that all 13 of its beaches are fully accessible. In the past, only five of those beaches were accessible to people with disabilities. The city is providing services such as “paths to the shoreline, accessible parking, showers, toilets, amphibious chairs, and an app guiding the visually impaired,” read…

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Second Wave of Corona has Arrived

in Health & Science

Over 220 coronavirus cases were confirmed in the last 48 hours. As the Israeli population gets hits with infections and wide-scale testing resumes, the economy will remain open despite specific districts shutting down. About 130 schools and 21,877 students and teachers are currently in quarantine. At least 418 cases have been confirmed in schools, with…

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Corona Hot Spots Hit Schools in Israel

in Economy & Innovation/Health & Science

New hot spots of COVID-19 have hit Israel, as confirmed cases have jumped up in the past days. Since re-opening, talks of a second wave are being heard, yet another full lockdown is not likely. However, from only a few cases per day to over 100 in the last week is cause for concern. Most…

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Corona Shock Takes an Emotional Toll

in Health & Science

With an economic lockdown that brought shock and fear in massive waves, the re-opening of Israeli society has many Israelis resistant to its speed, with a fresh type of shell shock as the daily grind of “real life” returns. How quickly it takes one routine to crumble, and how quickly does it take us to…

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