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Cracking the Soul of Midburn

in Life, Culture & Sports

Exactly 70 years later after the birth of Israel and Jews are still wandering the desert. It’s not quite like the 40 year trek of the post Egypt escape. However, the annual Midburn event has 12,000 wandering souls somewhat escape from the societal pressures of ‘default life’ to enter the rough physical conditions of desert…

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Israeli Scavenger Hunt for Soul

in Life, Culture & Sports

Israel has been around for 70 years, yet the hidden gems continue to be uncovered within the small and complex country. Enter Joseph Waks, a passionate Israel lover who has experienced the soul of Israel and wants to share it with the world. Originally from Australia and now living in Florida, Waks travels to Israel…

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Israeli Television Soaring on Screens

in Life, Culture & Sports

Just fifty years ago, Israeli television broadcasted black and white images from the Independence Day Parade. Coming right up in May is the official 50th anniversary of Israeli broadcasting, and with plenty of reason to celebrate as Israeli television is stepping full force into the spotlight as an influential, innovative and ever-growing marketplace. It all…

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Israel star hopes for win at Eurovision 2018

in Life, Culture & Sports

A Middle Eastern musical act is making waves around the world. Netta Barzilai released “Toy” and is expected to represent Israel in the 2018 Eurovision competition held in Lisbon, Portugal on May 8. Since the songs release on March 8 in honor of International Women’s Day, Netta’s vibrant video has been slated as a top…

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Tel Aviv Fashion Innovations

in Life, Culture & Sports

Israeli innovation isn’t just about the technology scene. The creative Israeli mentality was celebrated on the runway during last week’s Tel Aviv Fashion Week. In its sixth year, Tel Aviv Fashion Week is four days of about 40 designers who welcome the opportunity to spotlight their work in hopes of reaching the global fashion scene.…

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