One thing is for sure: David Ben Gurion would have been delighted! A new photo exhibition is going to entertain up to 8 million passengers on their way from the passport control to the gates at the international airport Ben Gurion. This exhibition is initiated by the Ministry of Science and showcases 60 Israeli developments and discoveries that influenced the world. However, the initial moment, that got this idea started, was a survey showing that many Israelis are not quite aware of Israeli inventors and innovations.
Mighty achievements
Therefore the range is not limited to well-covered topics such as medical breakthroughs, the Iron Dome system, Disk-on-Key, IT and computer related issues or the invention of cherry tomatoes. In line with the inventions that hit the front pages passangers also find equally interesting but less well known contributions: A method to activate immune cells in cancer treatment, technology for early diagnosis of diseases via one’s breath, drugs to treat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, the discovery of fungal species in the Dead Sea, the development of strains of seedless cotton, the development of algae for healing heart tissue, detecting the shape of bacteria’s self-organization, development of muon detectors that were used in the particle accelerator at CERN or the Venus satellite for environmental monitoring.
At the official opening Science Minister Ofir Akunis said: “The exhibition is an incredible public diplomacy asset for Israel. We present the tremendous contribution of science and technology in Israel to the world and humanity as a whole. We have much to be proud of. Israel is a trailblazer and leader in innovation. The whole world watches in amazement and appreciation our mighty achievements, and so they should be displayed at Israel’s entry and exit gates. ”