
Jennifer Bligh - page 11

Jennifer Bligh has 110 articles published.

Looking for love in the Holy Land

in Life, Culture & Sports

For many Jews in the Diaspora finding a life partner that shares their religion is like winning the lottery twice! Especially if you plan on raising your kids in the Jewish faith it helps that a possible wife or husband shares your belief and value system – but what if you know already every single…

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Shalom – Israelis in Berlin

in Life, Culture & Sports/Monthly Report

Some phenomena are slowly rising and suddenly discussed all over – this is the case with the impressive number of 20 000 to 30 000 Israelis who are residing in Berlin. The reasons are various, from personal relationships, lower living costs, more diversified career options, a flourishing art scene and being swept away by a…

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Israeli-Jordanian railway for new trade

in Economy & Innovation

A pivotal project is going to revamp the business connections in Israel’s north: from October onwards a 40-mile rail line is going to connect Haifa with a terminal just five miles short of the Jordanian border. The idea of this railway is anything but new – in 1908 the Hejaz railway connected the port of…

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eBay buys Israel’s SalesPredict

in Economy & Innovation

Internet giant ebay announced their latest purchase: SalesPredict, an Israeli data analysis company that predicts customer buying behaviour and sales conversion. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed however, a number of SalesPredict employees are going to join ebay in Netanya. SalesPredict Co-Founder and CEO Yaron Zakai-Or will serve as Director of Product Management,…

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Angel discovered in Bethlehem

in Life, Culture & Sports

An Italian team of restorers discovered a long hidden angel mosaic at Bethlehem’s Nativity Church. The 7th angel points to the direction of the cave which is said to be the birthplace of Jesus. The Italian team works with tourists and priests passing by – the city’s main attraction is not closed down for the…

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