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relationships - page 4

Domestic Violence: “Of course there is a huge problem.”

in Monthly Report

In families where domestic violence is part of everyday life, they suffer from the pandemic and the many lockdowns. Casualty numbers have skyrocketed, and for many women, there are only a few facilities that offered help, as most had closed their doors due to Corona. Our team visited an emergency shelter and spoke to the…

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Kosovo and Sudan Normalize Ties with Israel

in Economy & Innovation

The latest countries in agreement with Israel through the US-mediated Abrahamic Accords are Sudan and Kosovo. Despite the unlikely ties, agreements were recently signed with both countries, after the United Arab Emirates pioneered normalizing ties with Israel. So far Bahrain has also followed suit. Due to the latest coronavirus lockdown and the closing of Ben…

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Let Holocaust Memorial Day Mark Our Liberation

in Life, Culture & Sports

My dad doesn’t talk about it, and his parents never talked about it. It makes our family history blurry, despite the fact that I can feel the third-generation trauma in my blood. It’s as if the memories flow deeply through my veins, and while I can’t recall the stories, I sense the deep sorrow that…

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Another Lost Tribe: Bnei Menashe Returns to Israel

in Life, Culture & Sports

Imagine finding a long-lost cousin from across the globe. Now imagine discovering an entire tribe. That’s exactly what happened when Rabbi Michael Freund received a heartfelt letter on his desk in 1993. The letter was from a group called Bnei Menashe, a long-lost sect of the 12 tribes, who live on the edges between Burma…

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Jewish Population in Israel Slightly Drops

in Life, Culture & Sports

Since last year, the percentage of the Jewish population in Israel has dropped. As reported from a Central Bureau of Statistics report, the Jewish population went from 74.1% to 73.9%. While only a 0.2% drop, it feels significant to those in charge of protecting the values of the Jewish state. The report was spotlighted by…

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