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Ethiopian Israeli Film Shares Humor and Reality 

in Life, Culture & Sports

The first ever comedy, and commercial film, representing the life of the Israeli Ethiopian community has been released. “Lady Titi” was created by writer and director Esti Almo Wexler and her Israeli husband and film producer, Elad Wexler. The comedy, written in Hebrew and Amharic, tells the story of an Ethiopian man who is an…

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IKEA and McDonald’s Make Accessible Changes

in Life, Culture & Sports

IKEA, Israel’s most beloved homegoods stores, has collaborated with two nonprofit organizations, Access Israel and Milbat, to create furniture add-ons accessible for people with disabilities. Together, the three organizations are working on the initiative called ThisAbles, with the aim of better integrating people who live in Israel with disabilities, and creating a way for them…

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Is Sherut Culture a Vehicle for Kindness?

in Life, Culture & Sports

As I stand on Ben Yehuda, a busy main street parallel to the beach in Tel Aviv, I wave down a yellow taxi – not the New York kind – but what Israelis call a ‘monit sherut’, or shared taxi. The sherut is an alternative to taking the bus, as it often runs along the…

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Texting Terribly in Tel Aviv

in Life, Culture & Sports

“Why did you just punch me in the face?” he asked. “I didn’t punch you,” I responded. “I fist bumped you. Ehm, is that just a Jersey thing?” It was only the beginning of our blossoming text message conversation, and I quickly learned that for the majority of Israeli men, the fist emoji is a…

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Ethiopian Israelis Protest Against Police Brutality

in Life, Culture & Sports

After 24-year old Ethiopian man, Yehuda Biaga, was shot dead by a police officer, thousands of Israelis took to the streets and demonstrated peacefully against unjust police brutality. Protesters gathered by Azrieli Towers in Tel Aviv and caused a standstill in traffic. Their aim was to bring attention to the blatant racism and prejudice they…

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