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Imagining Israel Through Climate Change

in Health & Science/Tourism & Nature

Imagine two more months of summer, melting summer nights, and air conditioning as a requirement. As temperatures continue to rise in Israel, and if no immediate changes are made to counter climate change, the Israeli lifestyle will shift drastically. Yet as Israel steadily pumps a high concentration of toxic chemicals, or greenhouse gases, and does…

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Groundbreaking Israeli Research on Cancer

in Health & Science

Israeli research is reaching breakthrough results when it comes to better managing cancer and chronic disease. From studies that prevent skin cancer in mice to a blood test that diagnoses lung cancer in its early stages, Israeli researchers are finding small solutions after years of study. The most groundbreaking study shows the possibility to prevent…

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Jellyfish Mucus to Cure Plastic Pollution?

in Health & Science

Are jellyfish the solution to saving our seas and oceans? This is what two marine biologists from Haifa University are exploring as part of a global “GoJelly” project. The project is funded by a European Union initiative committed to developing, testing and promoting a “gelatinous solution to plastic pollution,” where “we will use jellyfish as…

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First Court-Ordered Vaccination in Israel

in Health & Science

In a rare move by the Israeli court system, parents have been ordered to vaccinate their 2-year old child after his foot received second degree burns from a bonfire. The parents were called to Hadera Family Court when they did not comply with the doctor’s recommendation for the child to receive a tetanus shot. When…

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Construction Startup Industry Booms Towards Better Safety

in Economy & Innovation

There’s a reason I fear walking past construction sites on the streets of Tel Aviv. It could have to do with the occasional hot sparks that fly free from soon-to-be buildings, the unsteady ladders leaning along uneven sidewalks, or the haphazard cultural mindset that feels built into every blueprint of every awkwardly calculated building. It…

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