A recent OECD health report shows that Israel invests less in healthcare than most countries. The United States lands in the number one spot, spending an average of $10,000 annually on resident healthcare. Israel falls in the bottom fifteen, only spending $2,780 on their individual citizens. According to the Health at a Glance report, the average country spends about $4000 per person.

Overall, Israel exists on the lower average of healthcare when it comes to the OECD, housing only 3 hospital beds per 1,000 Israelis in comparison to the overall OECD average of 4.7. Medical staff numbers are also low in Israel, as many professionals choose to leave, and are aging and being forced to retire. In Israel there are 5.1 nurses per 1,000 people, while the OECD average is 8.8.
Israel has a high life expectancy compared to other countries at 82.6, however, it also has the one of the highest mortality rates with preventable causes, where 32% of deaths are avoidable.
The OECD reports released in the past year have clearly shown the need for an increase in public funding towards healthcare. The number is expected to increase by 2030 to reach 8.8% of the GDP when it sits only at 7.5% now; however, healthcare should always be a top priority.