Ashdod’s new hospital won’t just be another medical institution in Israel’s South – if everything goes according to the plan, it’ll be the new place of hope for international doctors and medical staff that believe in making a change in moving to Israel. The future ecologic and digital clinic will be run by the Asuta hospital network under their CEO Shuki Shemer. Manager of the place is Professor Chaim Bitterman.

Both previously complained about a shortage of experienced medical staff in the country and therefore started the international call – without pretending to wear rose-coloured glasses. “It’s important to not mislead these doctors and medical staffers about the realities of working in Israel,” they said. The hospital will be fully fortified from rockets, biological, and chemical weapons. However, not only the construction requires special attention, also the Israeli conditions are less favorable than in other countries. On the other hand, this place has the potential to become a place of hope and a new home for foreigners wishing to make Aliyah.
A good idea
The origin of the idea links back to a phone conversation between Shuki Shemer and Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, founder and CEO of the country’s immigration agency Nefesh B’Nefesh, which specializes in facilitating Aliyah from North America. “We’re building a new public hospital, don’t have enough doctors, and our goal is for at least 20 percent of the staff to be new immigrants, specifically from France and the US,” Shemer and Bitterman said to Rabbi Yehoshua Fass who replied: “We are helping people realize their dreams while at the same time helping the State of Israel deal with its shortage of doctors. This is a new level of Zionism – bringing dozens of doctors to the south.”

However, it’ll take a while until the new hospital is going to be ready: Estimated construction time will be until January to May next year. It’ll be the new workplace for 1200 people, among them 200 doctors and 450 nurses. In total there will be 600 beds, serving the needs of around 350 000 to half a million residents.
A generous boy
Another advance in the medical area is the introduction of the new ‘Maker Bus’ which is financed by the US bar-mitzvaboy Noah Holfstein who donated $76,000 to Israeli children in less fortunate living circumstances. The ‘Maker Bus’ is equipped with an advanced 3D printer that is able to produce almost any object ranging from shoes, furniture, and kitchen equipment to toys and prostheses for the disabled and blind. According to the Israeli online newspaper YNET, the boy asked Israel to allow children to become scientists, inventors and developers, to experience what many consider to be the future of manufacturing in Israel and around the world.
The paper reports that the Maker Bus will be revealed on Passover eve, and will serve as a portable classroom laboratory outfitted with innovative technologies and educational tools. More so, the bus will offer regular weekly courses as well as one-time workshops, and is aimed at vulnerable students ages 8 -15, including ultra-religious Jews and Arab students who reside in less affluent communities in Israel’s North and South.
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