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Education - page 14

Israel Ranks Top 3 for Most Educated Country

in Life, Culture & Sports

According to a 2017 report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Israel ranks number three on the shortlist for the most educated countries worldwide. The report is calculated by the country’s population in the age bracket of those who graduated with post-secondary degrees. With Israel’s population of over 8 million, about 50.9% of…

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Israeli Education and its Teachers are Neglected

in Life, Culture & Sports

Being an educator in Israel is one of the least respected roles in Israeli society. In the Global Teacher Status Index 2018, it was found that Israel ranked second to last only under Brazil for educators being a respected profession. In comparison, China, which ranks first, considers a teacher’s role of equal importance to a…

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Living the Israeli Dream

in Life, Culture & Sports

The newest generation of 21st century Israeli pioneers is on the horizon. Thousands of young Israeli students are awaiting what was their grandparents, and what is their version of living the Israeli dream. Israel was established on communal living and working the land, and today, an Israeli nonprofit called Ayalim was built on those same…

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English Language in Need

in Life, Culture & Sports

A call has been made throughout Israel, and a surge of students in need of English are hoping to receive help. The Israeli educational system begins teaching English in third grade, and many young Israeli children have not mastered the language with ease. Depending on the community they live in, and perhaps how much English…

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High School Science Project Launched at NASA

in Health & Science

A group of high school students from various cities in Israel just launched a satellite called Duchifat 2 through the NASA space program. Eighty students worked in teams of ten for two years building the satellite, and are one of only 28 teams across the world to have worked on this kind of project for…

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