After last year’s Independence Day was spent in lockdown, this year has garnered a brand new appreciation for “independence.” Israel continues to cautiously reopen, with businesses, restaurants, culture spots, and general energy back to full flourishing. Wednesday evening and Thursday are lined up with organized parties, barbecues, and gatherings across the country. The annual Israeli Air Force show will take place once again, along with fireworks to light up the display of blue and white flags run across the country. While there still lives conflict and chaos based on elections, economy, and ethics, there are still reasons to celebrate.

A young country, Israel’s population in 1948 was about 800,000, 82% of which were Jewish. Today, the Central Bureau of Statistics reported the population has reached 9,327,000 people. Their statistics show that 74% of the country is Jewish, 21% Arab-Muslim, and 5% are Christians, the rest listed as non-religious.
Over the last year, 50,000 people have died, with over 6,300 due to coronavirus causes. The population has birthed 167,000 babies and seen immigration of over 16,000 people, which is half of the number from the year prior. Ultimately, the entire population has grown by 1.5%, with 28% under the age of 14 and only 12% over the age of 65.
By Israel’s 100th Independence Day in 2048, CBS expects Israel to reach a population of 15.5 million people.