Happy Holidays To You!

We wish all our readers a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The staff of Israel Between the Lines will also take a holiday break. Our next publication will be on January 5, 2017. See you next year!
We wish all our readers a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The staff of Israel Between the Lines will also take a holiday break. Our next publication will be on January 5, 2017. See you next year!
The massacre in Aleppo has hit close to home for the people in Israel. As a country infused with ancestral pain and trauma because of the Holocaust, there seems to be a widespread understanding that citizens of Israel must speak up and support those who cannot speak for themselves. Even though Israelis, like the rest…
Employees of a popular hotel chain in Israel received a pleasant shock after previous news that their former boss had passed away. Gilbert Luzon, who died earlier this year, owned the King Solomon Hotels in Jerusalem and Tiberius, and kindly decided to leave his loyal employees over two million dollars. Luzon had organized his will…
Israel is taking steps every day towards the environmental bandwagon. Having spent years trying to minimize use of plastic, the government has agreed to a country-wide law which will go into effect on January 1, 2017. The law states that disposable bags in grocery stores will cost customers ten agurot each if needed. The…
Over one million people a year die in car crashes, and one company is on a mission to lower those numbers and make the roads safer for all. Since communication is truly the key to life, an Israeli/US based startup has created a life-saving app to prove it. Nexar has released an app allowing cars…