The future has arrived, and it’s being delivered by a squad of drones, or an octocopter dubbed the “Mule.” Enter Flytrex, an Israeli company which provides tailored technology for individuals and businesses who want to offer quick deliveries at a lesser cost, and with the swipe of a smartphone. Founder and CEO, Yariv Bash, was inspired to create Flytrex Aviation as he saw the potential and possibility for small scale deliveries – plus he’s always loved to fly things in the sky.
Set up like the FedEx of drones, the 13-employee company based in Israel, has created an automated way for the drones to manage working together through the cloud. This means any person can operate the drone with a cellphone, SIM card or on cellular data. If someone forgets their phone at home, a friend can have the drone deliver the phone in a snap. The drone doesn’t land, but drop deliveries down with a cord, where the deliveree must be present.
The new drone delivery services are currently being tested by a postal service in the Ukraine. It can carry up to 6.6 pounds and travel just over 40 miles per hour. While America still remains with a no drone fly zone due to sky safety regulations, companies like Amazon have shown major interest. Testing is also being done in Africa to deliver medical aid to areas which are hard to reach.
With the Flytrex technology, the game of drones has reached a whole new level. People can schedule deliveries from their smartphones, receive packages quicker than ever, changing the landscape of the delivery world forever.