For people who want to ‘go green,’ packaging companies make it nearly impossible. Supermarket shelves are filled with plastics, and the majority of plastic pollution can be attributed to the increase in packaging. Plastic packaging is known to extend the shelf life of food, including meats and vegetables, yet there is a new material on the market.

Enter SupraPulp, a new packaging product made of plant fiber, which can commonly be found holding a dozen eggs. The main issue with the material is that it leaks, yet W-Cycle, an Israeli company, has found a solution. SupraPulp is manufactured plant fiber with added sugarcane waste, which makes it anti-leakage, suitable for freezer and oven, and can replace plastic packaging for an easy compostable product. More so, W-cycle has found that if sugarcane factories save their sugarcane waste, they can support the solution to produce eco-friendly containers.
While W-Cycle may have found a solution to plastic packaging, the next phase includes improving the overall processes to create more sustainability. The company is working on a B2B approach, hoping that food manufactures, schools, hospitals, airlines, and restaurants will jump onto the sustainable bandwagon, and reduce their use of plastics. They have already partnered with Israeli food giant NETO, and are in talks with airlines who use plastic to package their meals.
W-Cycle is on a mission to end plastic “by offering a revolutionary innovation that contributes to the protection of the environment and value chain of both nature and humans.” Learn more here.