The State of Israel is slowly but surely returning to its norms. With confirmed corona cases decreasing, authorities are working to create a manageable exit plan and restore a smoothly functioning society. However, a lockdown curfew was put in place on Israeli Independence Day, to prevent gatherings from taking place.

While up to 15,000 tests can now be administered a day, the number of individuals who opt for testing is declining. As of this writing, there are a total of 15,834 cases of corona, with 215 people who died from the disease. About 7,929 have recovered from the novel virus, with less than 100 people on ventilators. A number of hospital wards have closed down due to the decline of the virus, yet they remain ready to reopen should there be a second wave of illness. The Ministry of Health has stated that the return of elective procedures can resume as of May 3, given the decline in COVID-19 cases continues.
Other regulations have been lifted. All stores which are not in malls are allowed to open, including hairdressers and beauty parlors. All open businesses must adhere to social distancing, hygiene, and wearing protective gear. Restaurants have opened for takeaway services as well.
The Ministry of Education has met and is proposing that the education system reopens on May 3, with preschools and kindergartens going back into effect in classrooms of 15. Students will only return to school for half the week. In addition, grades 1-3 are said to also be opening, with staggering recesses so as to keep playgrounds limited by crowds.
The closed educational system has cost the economy about 2.7 billion shekels, especially as parents have had to take off work in order to care for their children. While it seems the Ministry of education is considering extending the school year through July, the head of the Teachers Union is staunchly against.