Air pollution in Israel is reported at higher levels than acceptable by the Clear Air Law, which aims to improve air quality and reduce air pollution by prescribing regulations in order to protect human life and the natural environment. Based on a recent report by the Environmental Protection and Health Ministry, and also using data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, breathing air in Israel exceeds healthy limits and should raise dire concern amidst the public, private and governmental properties with the power to prevent and reduce air pollution.

The report aimed to determine if air pollutants had reached the point of public health hazard, and unfortunately, the situation isn’t promising. One of the lead researchers Dr. Zohar Brandt-Itzhaki, says that “all of Israel’s population is exposed to levels of PM10 and PM2.5 that exceed the highest limits within the realm of normal.” One finding shows they found between 34-47 microns per cubic meter of PM10 molecules, while stating that measurements should not exceed 10 microns.
The research team also uncovered the two most dangerous types of air pollution, which are vehicle pollution and oil burning power stations. These daily circumstances can contribute to chronic illness and eventual fatality, costing about 2,000 lives annually in Israel. In a public health perspective, air pollution costs the country about $7 billion dollars.
The research team urges immediate structural shift in terms of preventing and reducing air pollution. Practically, this can mean using hybrid or electric cars, public transport or bicycles. It also requires big business and industrial properties to immediately shift their rate of releasing emissions from power stations or other industrial services. Israel does have a goal to turn to clean energy solutions by 2030. This next decade will be an opportunity, not only to set goals but to take action to prioritize the state of public health, and the environment within the state of Israel, for the greater good.