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Science - page 19

Robot Companion to Cure Loneliness for Elderly

in Economy & Innovation/Health & Science

Loneliness is becoming a worldwide epidemic, especially for older people who live alone. Recent studies have proven the dire effects loneliness can have on someone’s life, and an Israeli company called Intuition Robotics has set out to change that. Intuition Robotics has brought together the fields of technology and psychology to create Elli●Q, a robot…

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Weizman finds ‘social’ molecule

in Health & Science

Scientists at the renowned Weizman Institute of Science discovered a molecule that could play a crucial role in our social behaviour, namely if we are into socialising or not. Or in other words – if we are willing and able to leave our comfort zone and personal safety zone. Mice that were lacking this molecule…

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Festive art: online exhibition

in Economy & Innovation

The online platform Israel21c invites guests to an online exhibition that is a must-see – or rather a must-click since each teaser and provocative poster is the gateway to a news worthy story. ‘18 Ways Israel is Changing the World’ spans from cancer sniffing devices to Israelis who help Syrians, latest role models to water…

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‘Israelis lack respect of authorities – however in science this is a great attribute’

in Economy & Innovation/Health & Science/Monthly Report

Professor Daniel Zajfman is the youngest president of the renowned Weizmann Institute of Science in the history of the research institute. Since the 47-year old physicist took over in 2006, the institute became more renowned and more international than ever before. We spoke with Professor Zajfman about Israeli science and his work as president. Interview…

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