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Health & Science - page 3

Researchers Create Zero Waste Optical Lenses 

in Health & Science

Despite a 300-year optical industry standard, two Israeli researchers have uncovered an innovative and comparably cheap, way to make optical lenses. While the traditional method typically requires a large slab of material, which is then ground down and shaped, resulting in about 80% waste, a new method allows for zero waste.  Enter Prof. Moran Bercovici…

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Israeli Minister Updates Abortion Reforms from 1977

in Health & Science

Despite the concerning threats to Roe v. Wade in the United States Supreme Court, Israel’s Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz is offering a sliver of solace for women’s reproductive health rights. Horowitz has decided to update the “chauvinistic” and “ridiculously outdated” abortion rules in Israel. The law currently requires any woman seeking an abortion to apply…

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Over 300% Spike in Domestic Violence Calls for Budget Allocation

in Health & Science

According to an annual WIZO report, there was a 315% increase in domestic violence in 2020. Distress calls made to the 118 hotline went from 2286 calls in 2019 to 5866 calls in 2020, which is a 157% increase. More than half were tagged under spousal violence, which increased from 688 calls in 2019 to…

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Israel Set to Launch Vaccine Campaign for Children 

in Health & Science

As the country comes down from a fourth coronavirus wave, Israeli officials plan to unleash the next vaccination campaign for 5 to 11 years olds. Parents will be expected to vaccinate their children, which has already seen major backlash and protests from those who are more cautious and less trusting of the institutions concerned.  For…

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Israel Sends 120 Delegates to COP26 

in Health & Science

Thousands of global delegates are participating in the 26th annual climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland. Hosted by the United Nations, the Conference of Parties, or COP26, aims “to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.” Given the state of the world, the high-stakes agenda is…

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