As our calendar once again lands on Passover and we tell the story of Exodus for the over three thousandth time, it’s quite ironic that we are trapped inside our homes. With the modern-day plague called COVID, we can recognize the universally deep shift taking place. Systems are crashing down like the blood, frogs, and locusts – and a fresh perspective is opening like the Red Sea, inviting us to step forward as a new human tribe.
As a harvest holiday, Passover also means springtime, a welcome turning of the season when blossoming begins after the harsh winter. This natural cycle ensures our system remains balanced, as well as reflects a connection between our external and inner worlds. Just as we spring clean our homes, so shall we spring clean our minds and bodies. Just as we harvest our seeds for growth, so shall we feed our internal needs, and flourish. Now is the time to weed out the beliefs that no longer serve us, and remove the cobwebs of ancient ideals that society has planted in our systems since birth.

This Passover 2020 is a season of collective renewal, born of new values and a bright future. Despite the many challenges the modern day plague has brought, in some ways, we are freer than ever. Free from the system chaining us into 9 to 5 cages, from outdated educational herding, from needing to suit up, and make up, and meet up, and pick up. Free to think differently, and for ourselves. Free to detach from what was, and dream of what will be. Once we were slaves. Now we are free. We are free to slow down and start fresh, to make art and love, to serve and contribute, to consider and care about each other, to give attention to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Free to feel, to rest, to create, to release old ideas and be the change we wish to see.
This Passover night was different from all other nights. Millions of families were apart, yet tons of solo seders and new traditions were born. We were invited to rethink and directly reconnect to our own sense of meaning. To take personal responsibility and give respect to our past, while also infusing our individual flavor into our collective spirit.
Talk about a golden opportunity. It’s as if we’ve all just reached the Red Sea. Moses and Miriam gave the call, and the last of us are rushing towards the edge of the water. The Egyptians race behind us, itching to attack. We’ve left everything we’ve ever known behind with the hope and promise of newfound freedom. And here we are. Are we looking back in fear, or are we stepping forward with faith?
For now, we wait along the edges of the sea, in the space between fear and freedom. Even if we are physically isolated, we need only to open to the possibility of our mind, heart, and intention to raise our collective spirit. As a human tribe, we are being asked to step up individually, with full faith, for the collective. Are you ready? Once we reach the other side, only one thing is certain. We will feel more alive than we’ve ever felt before.