A new safety system has been unveiled for the over 400 million motorbikes around the world. Ride Vision, an Israeli company co-founded by Lior Cohen, CTO, and Uri Lavi, who also founded Mobileye, has created a simply installed technology that has already saved lives.
With smart car technology amping up, there has been minimal focus or solutions for two-wheeled vehicles. Motorcycle riders who crash are 28% more likely to end in fatality, and 6 times more likely to get injured.

Lavi says, “We have these systems in cars, so why not in two-wheelers? A motorbike is a completely different creature on the road.” While car systems are straightforward and stable, motorcyclists move more dynamically, leaning, turning heads, and other patterns not used in cars. So he set out to create a system that can detect motorcycle hazards, using 360 degrees cameras, artificial intelligence, and computer vision, resulting in a “sophisticated software that analyzes the camera footage, using a patented algorithm to sort through data and images, figuring out when a situation is dangerous and then alerting the driver.”
Ride Vision is currently operating in Israel and Italy and is hoping to expand through the international market. The app is also working with manufacturers in Europe and India to offer an already built-in safety system for buyers. Ashok Minda, chairman of Spark Minda, an Indian automatic parts supplier says that “It will make a difference to the life of two-wheeler riders and will help in achieving the objective of zero road fatality.”