With an economic lockdown that brought shock and fear in massive waves, the re-opening of Israeli society has many Israelis resistant to its speed, with a fresh type of shell shock as the daily grind of “real life” returns. How quickly it takes one routine to crumble, and how quickly does it take us to resist the return to routine?

The potent global pause we experienced was twofold, creating a sense of imminent danger for our health, as well as spotlighting the perilous pace of what is deemed necessary for societal success today. It allowed humanity to create a space between the high speed of real life, to slow down to a somewhat welcome stop. Despite the fresh set of hardships for the vulnerable, the unemployed, and the directly impacted, what is certain about the next phase of real life is the grueling state of our emotional and mental health.
Societal demands are clearly wearing down human wellbeing. The stress of survival and success is creating deep systematic trauma. The lockdown allowed for some sense of relaxed responsibility and room to breathe, even if it did cause an uptick of anxiety in other areas.
The truth is, that everyone has been impacted by the coronavirus. Humans experience stress when it comes to uncertainty. Today, uncertainty is the only thing that is certain. Without proper care and recognition, these stresses become ill-intentioned cells that live inside our bodies. For those who have been affected by corona, whether personally or with a family member, for the parents with children at home 24/7, for the medical professionals and essential workers, and for those who already feel vulnerable to mental health issues, the period of time has likely only exacerbated the underlying issues at hand.
Even for those who have felt okay and perhaps even flourished during this time, without fully processing the deep impact and the emotional toll of uncertainty, the effects may not be felt until later on, if not physically by the virus itself, then certainly mentally and emotionally, which also leads to physical detriments. How will humans be enabled to digest the magnitude of the current situation? Will the waves of emotion be stuffed down and numbed out, covered up by the need to keep moving forward and get back to “normal?”
How will the globe of beings choose to process our newest worldwide story? How will the unseen emotional impact be managed by the masses? Will individuals continue to show up for one another with the willingness to support the collective, or will the return of the individual prevail? Perhaps both deserve recognition. Without first tracking our inner mental and emotional impact, can we fully support another? Will as many resources be provided to support the mental and emotional health of a world of affected individuals, families, and communities?
What is certain is that just like coronavirus, the mental and emotional aspects have taken their toll on everybody. What could be most powerful during this time could be a collective initiative to simply start talking about it.