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New Israeli Elections in April

in Economy & Innovation

New Israeli elections were just announced and set for April 9, and there is an uproar of action for those seeking the chance for political power within the government. With the opportunity, or hope, for a political shift in the Israeli sphere, a slew of new political parties have been announced. In an unexpected breakaway…

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Deputy justice attempts to reduce police racism

in Life, Culture & Sports

Ethiopian-Israeli minors living in Israel get arrested at four times the rate of any other ethnicity. When it comes to adult rates of arrest, they are double. While there is a criminal sector living in this community, many cases are reported with blatant racism, injustice, and discrimination towards the Ethiopian – Israeli community, which makes…

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People are tired of political corruption

in Economy & Innovation

  People are seemingly sick and tired of power driven greed and corruption running rampant through politicians’ veins, and 2017 has seen thousands of civilians protesting the streets of Israel, marching both for their rights and what is morally right. The latest protest was held last Saturday, December 9, where protesters gathered in Tel Aviv…

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Israeli Economy is Doing Good

in Economy & Innovation

Dr. Karnit Flug, Governor of the Central Bank of Israel, recently presented a 2016 report, and based on the numbers, the economy is doing quite alright. She mentions that Israel’s GDP grew 4% over the last year, full employment has been maintained, and there has been an increase in salary. The steady drive of the…

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Skipping Lines is Now Legal

in Life, Culture & Sports

The one thing the Israeli Government can agree on unanimously is kindness. A new law legislates that Israelis over the age of 80 can request priority service in public offices. This means that at banks, post offices, pharmacies, stores and other bureaucratic places, the elderly can skip, or saunter, to the front of the line.…

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