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Airport - page 5

Domestic Airport replaced by houses

in Tourism & Nature

Tel Aviv’s domestic airport Sde Dov is going to be closed down by the end of 2018 for civilian aviation and in 2017 for military aviation. While the area will be turned into a place for around 16 000 housing units, hotels, shopping malls and a seafront park, domestic flights to Eilat will become less…

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Israeli airport security for London Heathrow

in Tourism & Nature

Europe’s busiest airport and third biggest airport world-wide, London Heathrow, considers adopting  the Israeli airport  security system. After fearing future threats, the British management is flying over to Israel next week to learn about the ‘ring of steel’. Israel’s Ben Gurion airport maintains at least twelve layers of security – called ‘ring of steel’. The…

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Eilat’s new international airport

in Economy & Innovation/Tourism & Nature

Most Israelis admit easily that Eilat isn’t the most enchanting place on earth. On the other hand the desert city along the Red Sea turns out to be one of the everlasting hot spots for local tourists and internationals alike. This not only boosted the ego of the local Eilatis who love their city –…

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